Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Scrutiny Committee
9 Dec 2020 - 09:30 to 13:00
  • Documents
  • Members Attendance
  • Other Attendees
  • Declarations of Interests



Public Items
1 Welcome and Apologies
2 Declarations of Interest
4 Update by Arms Length External Organisation
(i) Live Active Leisure Ltd.
Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 20/240)
Report by Chief Executive (copy herewith 20/242)
8 Scrutiny Review
Verbal Update by the Convener 

Supplementary Agenda

Members Attendance

Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
Councillor Harry Coates Councillor Roz McCall
Councillor Grant Laing Councillor Ian Massie
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.

Other Attendees

Also in attendance at the above meeting were:

B Renton, Executive Director (Housing and Environment); S Devlin, Executive Director (Education and Children’s Services); G Patterson, Director (Health and Social Care); K Donaldson, Interim Chief Operating Officer; J Pepper (Depute Director, Education and Children’s Services); F Cameron, J Chiles, P Davidson, R Drummond, G Doogan, F MacKay, D Macluskey, B Martin-Scott and S Johnstone (all Education and Children’s Services; D Littlejohn and C Mailer (both Housing and Environment); C Hendry (Health and Social Care Partnership); L Simpson, L Dott, C Flynn, G Fogg, C Guild, K Johnston F Robertson, D Williams, K Molley, M Pasternak, C Wright, A McMeekin and L McGuigan (all Corporate and Democratic Services).