Meeting Details Meeting Summary Committee: Scrutiny Committee Date/Time: 9 Jun 2021 - 09:30 to 13:00 Status: Occurred Venue: Virtual Meeting (Live Event) Add to my Calendar Recording of Meeting Scrutiny Committee - 9 June 2021 DocumentsMembers AttendanceOther AttendeesDeclarations of Interests Documents Agenda Contents (252Kb) Agenda Document Pack - Scrutiny Committee - 09/06/2021 (1245Kb) Supplementary Agenda Contents (166Kb) Supplementary Agenda Document Pack - Scrutiny Committee - 09/06/2021 (2289Kb) Agenda Committee Members Public Items 1 Welcome and Apologies/Substitutes 2 Declarations of Interest 3 Minute of meeting of the Scrutiny Committee of 12 May 2021 for approval (copy herewith) Minute of meeting of the Scrutiny Committee of 12 May 2021 (136Kb) 4 Annual Governance Statement 2020/21 Report by Head of Legal and Governance Services (copy herewith 21/85) Annual Governance Statement 2020/21 (231Kb) Appendix 1 (241Kb) 5 Local Government Benchmarking Framework 2019/20 Report by Interim Chief Executive (copy to follow) 6 Data Protection Compliance 2019-20 Report by Data Protection Officer (copy herewith 21/87) Data Protection Compliance 2020-21 (321Kb) Supplementary Agenda Committee Members Public Items 5 Local Government Benchmarking Framework 2019/20 Report by Interim Chief Executive (copy herewith 21/86) Local Government Benchmarking Framework 2019/20 (131Kb) Appendix (4265Kb) Additional Meeting Documents Minute of Meeting of Scrutiny Committee of 9 June 2021 (98Kb) Members Attendance Attended - Committee Members Name Councillor Liz Barrett Councillor David Illingworth Councillor Anne Jarvis Councillor Ian Massie Councillor Sheila McCole Depute Provost Andrew Parrott Councillor Crawford Reid Councillor Willie Robertson Councillor Fiona Sarwar Councillor Frank Smith Councillor Colin Stewart Attended - Other Members Name No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting. Apologies NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By Councillor Harry Coates Bailie Chris Ahern Provost Xander McDade Bailie Alasdair Bailey Absent NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting. Declarations of Interests Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting. Other Attendees Also in attendance at the above meeting were: M Butterworth, C Guild, C Mailer and A Seggie (all Communities); S Johnston, D Macluskey and H Robertson (all Education and Children’s Services) G Paterson (Health and Social Care Partnership) L Simpson, L Dott, D Henderson, C Irons, P Johnstone, A Brown, A McMeekin, M Pasternak and B Parker (all Corporate and Democratic Services).