Meeting Details Meeting Summary Committee: Lifelong Learning Committee Date/Time: 25 Aug 2021 - 09:30 to 13:00 Status: Occurred Venue: Virtual Meeting (Live Event) Add to my Calendar Recording of Meeting Lifelong Learning Committee - 25 August 2021 DocumentsMembers AttendanceOther AttendeesDeclarations of Interests Documents Agenda Contents (153Kb) Agenda Document Pack - Lifelong Learning Committee - 25/08/2021 (14210Kb) Agenda Public Items 1 Welcome and Apologies/Substitutes 2 Declarations of Interest 3 Minutes 3(i) Minute of meeting of the Lifelong Learning Committee of 26 May 2021 for approval (copy herewith) Minute of meeting of the Lifelong Learning Committee of 26 May 2021 (66Kb) 3(ii) Minute of meeting of the Joint Negotiating Committee for Teaching Staff of 16 March 2021 for noting (copy herewith) Minute of meeting of the Joint Negotiating Committee for Teaching Staff of 16 March 2021 (117Kb) 4 Minute of meeting of the Children, Young People and Families Partnership of 8 April 2021 for noting (copy herewith) Minute of meeting of the Children, Young People and Families Partnership of 8 April 2021 (153Kb) 5 Service Recovery Update Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 21/132) Service Recovery Update (200Kb) Appendix 1 (6Kb) 6 SQA Results 2021 Presentation by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) 7 Perth and Kinross Education Improvement Plan 2021/22 Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 21/133) Perth and Kinross Education Improvement Plan 2021/22 (202Kb) Appendix 1 (3882Kb) 8 Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 21/134) Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare (225Kb) Appendix 1 (265Kb) Appendix 2 (8707Kb) Appendix 3 (204Kb) 9 Final Update on the Implementation of REACH Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 21/135) Final Update on the Implementation of REACH (215Kb) Appendix 1 (351Kb) Appendix 2 (208Kb) Appendix 3 (452Kb) Appendix 4 (177Kb) 10 Catchment for New Primary School at Bertha Park and Future of Ruthvenfield Primary School Options Appraisal Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 21/136) Catchment for New Primary School and Future of Ruthvenfield Options Appraisal (243Kb) Appendix A (1693Kb) 11 Integrated Children's Services Plan 2021-2023 and Tayside Regional Improvement Collaborative (TRIC) Progress Updates Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 21/137) Integrated Children's Services Plan 2021-2023 and Tayside Regional Improvement Collaborative (TRIC) Progress Updates (198Kb) Appendix 1 (1124Kb) Appendix 2 (1032Kb) Appendix 3 (771Kb) 12 Appointment of Members to the Perth and Kinross Educational Trust Committee The Committee is asked to agree the undernoted appointments to the Perth and Kinross Educational Trust Committee: Councillor Ian Massie Councillor Lewis Simpson Additional Meeting Documents Minute of Meeting of Lifelong Learning Committee of 25 August 2021 (103Kb) Members Attendance Attended - Committee Members Name Councillor Kathleen Baird Councillor Liz Barrett Mr Andy Charlton Councillor John Duff Adrian Ferguson Councillor Angus Forbes Councillor Ian Massie Mrs Audrey McAuley Provost Xander McDade Prof Teresa Moran Councillor Beth Pover Councillor Callum Purves Councillor John Rebbeck Councillor Fiona Sarwar Councillor Caroline Shiers Councillor Lewis Simpson Carolyn Weston Attended - Other Members Name No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting. Apologies NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By Jack Bell Mr Martin Gowrie Dean McBride Councillor Crawford Reid Councillor Ian James Absent NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting. Declarations of Interests Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting. Other Attendees Also in attendance at the above meeting were: S Devlin, Executive Director (Education and Children’s Services); J Pepper, G Boland, S Johnston, K Robertson, B Scott and C Taylor (all Education and Children’s Services); S Nicoll, S Rodger, C Flynn, L Brown, A Brown and M Pasternak (all Corporate and Democratic Services)