Meeting Details Meeting Summary Committee: Housing and Social Wellbeing Committee Date/Time: 25 Oct 2023 - 09:30 to 12:30 Status: Occurred Venue: the Council Chamber Add to my Calendar Recording of Meeting: Housing and Social Wellbeing Committee - 25 October 2023 DocumentsMembers AttendanceOther AttendeesDeclarations of Interests Documents Agenda Contents (148Kb) Agenda Document Pack - Housing and Social Wellbeing Committee - 25/10/2023 (741Kb) Agenda Committee Members Public Items 1 Welcome and Apologies/Substitutes 2 Declarations of Interest 3 Minute of Meeting of the Housing and Communities Committee of 21 June 2023 for Approval (copy herewith) Minute of Meeting of the Housing and Communities Committee of 21 June 2023 for Approval (181Kb) 4 Outstanding Business Statement (copy herewith 23/276) Outstanding Business Statement (26Kb) 5 Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour in Partnership Joint Presentation by Sergeant Lee Stewart (Police Scotland) and Station Commander Campbell Sands (Scottish Fire and Rescue Service) 6 Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls in Perth and Kinross Presentation by Jennifer McOmish, Safer Communities Officer 7 Annual Assurance Statement 2022/2023 - Scottish Housing Regulator Report by Executive Director (Communities) (copy herewith 23/277) Annual Assurance Statement 2022-23 - Scottish Housing Regulator (205Kb) Appendix 1 - Overview of Information to Support the Annual Assurance Statement (85Kb) Appendix 2 - Annual Assurance Statement (102Kb) Additional Meeting Documents Item 5 - Presentation - Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour in Partnership (616Kb) Item 6 - Presentation - Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls in Perth and Kinross (446Kb) Minute of Meeting of Housing and Social Wellbeing Committee of 25 October 2023 (110Kb) Members Attendance Attended - Committee Members Name Bailie Chris Ahern Councillor Peter Barrett Councillor Bob Brawn Bailie Rhona Brock Councillor Stewart Donaldson Councillor Angus Forbes Councillor Michelle Frampton Councillor Brian Leishman Councillor Iain MacPherson Councillor Sheila McCole Councillor Tom McEwan Bailie Claire McLaren Councillor Frank Smith Councillor Jack Welch Attended - Other Members Name No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting. Apologies NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By Councillor Ian James Councillor John Duff Absent NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting. Declarations of Interests Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting. Other Attendees B Renton, Executive Director (Communities); E Ritchie, S Coyle, N Lennon, M Smith, S Watson, J McOmish, S Robertson (up to and including Item 5), R Ross (all Communities); A Taylor, R Ramsay and M Pasternak (all Corporate and Democratic Services). Also in Attendance: Chief Inspector T Leonard, Sergeant L Stewart (up to and including Item 5) and Detective Chief Inspector Jennifer Reid (for Item 6 only) (all Police Scotland); Group Commander S Kabamba and Station Commander C Sands (both up to and including Item 5) (both Scottish Fire and Rescue Service); L Palmer (from Item 6 onwards) (Tenant Representative).