Council is asked to agree the following updates to the Scheme of Administration:
Section 28 - Learning and Families Committee
Delete part 4 of Section 28.1.
Insert the following wording at the end of Section 28.1 : In addition to the above membership, the Convener of the Committee shall undertake to engage with members of the Perth and Kinross Youth Forum and shall report back at regular intervals to meetings of the committee.
Sections 37,38 and 39 - Delegation to Officials
Remove references to Directors and update all sections to refer to Chief Executive, Depute Chief Executive and Director - Integrated Health and Social Care/Chief Officer.
Section 40 - Strategic Lead - Legal and Governance
Insert additional bullet point in section 40.4 as follows: To provide or where the Strategic Lead - Legal and Governance deems necessary, to procure legal advice and advocacy services.
Section 48 - Strategic Lead - Environment and Infrastructure
Section 48.5, 2nd bullet point to be amended as follows:
The Strategic Lead shall have the power to propose and promote and, where fewer than six objections are received, confirm roads orders in terms of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and any subsequent legislation regulating the use of the Perth and Kinross Council roads network. Where roads orders cover locations in different streets or contains no other proposals located within 100 metres in the same street, the order can be made by the Strategic Lead for those streets within the order for which fewer than six objections have been received. If six or more objections are received, or any objections is received from a statutory consultee, the order will be submitted to the Economy and Infrastructure Committee for consideration.
Section 49 - Director - Integrated Health and Social Care/Chief Officer
In relation to sections 49.1 and 49.2, amend to confirm that the Head of Integrated Health and Care - Older People and Head of Integrated Health and Care - Adults are authorised to exercise the functions of the Council, as they relate to adults, as part of their respective portfolios and in relation to the legislation and relevant subordinate legislation set out in section 49.2.