Public Items
Declarations of Interest
Pitlochry Tartan
The Pitlochry Tartan was designed by the House of Edgar for Pitlochry and Moulin Community Council as part of the celebrations for the Year of Homecoming in 2009. Copyright for this design was thereafter transferred to Pitlochry and Moulin Community Council in February 2010, allowing the Community Council to give permission to weave or reproduce the tartan as it decided. On 31 October 2023, with Pitlochry and Moulin Community Council going into abeyance at that time, the copyright was transferred to the Pitlochry Common Good Fun.
On 17 December 2024, Pitlochry Common Good Fund received a request from Pitlochry Bowling Club for permission to incorporate the Pitlochry Tartan into the design of its club shirt.
The Committee is asked to consider whether to grant permission to the Convener to issue a letter of permission to Pitlochry Bowling Club authorising the reproduction of the Pitlochry Tartan in its bowling club shirt.
Report by Strategic Lead - Finance and Business Support (copy herewith 24/334)
The above report was submitted to and discussed at the previous meeting of the Pitlochry Common Good Fund on 25 November 2024. It was agreed at that meeting that any decision should be deferred to the next meeting to be held on the 3 February 2025.
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