Meeting Details Committee: Strategic Policy and Resources Committee Date/Time: 12 Jun 2019 - 09:30 to 13:00 Status: Occurred Venue: the Council Chamber Add to my Calendar Recording of Meeting: Strategic Policy and Resources Committee - 12 June 2019 DocumentsMembers AttendanceOther AttendeesDeclarations of Interests Documents Agenda Contents (172Kb) Agenda Document Pack - Strategic Policy and Resources Committee - 12/06/2019 09:30:00 (11638Kb) Agenda Public Items 1 Welcome and Apologies 2 Declarations of Interest 3 Minutes 3(i) Minute of Meeting of Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 17 April 2019 for Approval and Signature (copy herewith) Minute of meeting of Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 17 April 2019 for approval and signature (240Kb) 3(ii) Minute of the Meeting of the Executive Sub-Committee of Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 20 March 2019 for Noting (copy herewith) Minute of meeting of the Executive Sub-Committee of Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 20 March 2019 for noting (140Kb) 3(iii) Minute of Meeting of the Property Sub-Committee of 18 February 2019 for Noting (copy herewith) Minute of meeting of the Property Sub-Committee of 18 February 2019 for noting (114Kb) 3(iv) Minute of Meeting of the Appeals Sub-Committee of 18 March 2019 for Noting (copy herewith) Minute of meeting of the Appeals Sub-Committee of 18 March 2019 for noting (139Kb) 3(v) Minute of Meeting of the Appeals Sub-Committee of 2 May 2019 for Noting (copy herewith) Minute of meeting of the Appeals Sub-Committee of 2 May 2019 for noting (138Kb) 3(vi) Minute of Meeting of the Employees Joint Consultative Committee of 28 February 2019 for Noting (copy herewith) Minute of meeting of the Employees Joint Consultative Committee of 28 February 2019 for noting (163Kb) 3(vii) Minute of Meeting of the Perth and Kinross Integration Joint Board of 15 February 2019 for Noting (copy herewith) Minute of meeting of the Perth and Kinross Integration Joint Board of 15 February 2019 for noting (194Kb) 4 Town Centre Fund Report by Depute Chief Executive, Chief Operating Officer (copy herewith 19/170) Town Centre Fund (210Kb) Appendix 1 (330Kb) Appendix 2 (77Kb) Appendix 3 (151Kb) 5 Changes to Developer Contributions and Affordable Housing Supplementary Guidance Report by Executive Director (Housing and Environment) (copy herewith 19/171) Changes to Developer Contributions and Affordable Housing Supplementary Guidance (289Kb) Appendix 1 (132Kb) Appendix 2 (383Kb) Appendix 3 (4603Kb) 6 Authority to Write Off Debts and Obsolete Stock Report by Head of Finance (copy herewith 19/172) Authority to Write Off Debts and Obsolete Stock (209Kb) Appendix 1 (100Kb) Appendix 2 (96Kb) Appendix 3 (96Kb) Appendix 4 (97Kb) Appendix 5 (96Kb) 7 Procurement Update 2018/19 Report by Depute Chief Executive, Chief Operating Officer (copy herewith 19/173) Procurement Update 2018/19 (182Kb) Appendix 1 (1182Kb) Appendix 2 (882Kb) 8 Transformation Programme 2015-20 Report by Chief Executive (Chief Operating Officer) (copy herewith 19/174 (Revised)) Transformation Programme 2015-2020 (150Kb) Appendix 1 (108Kb) Appendix 2 (179Kb) Additional Meeting Documents Minute of Meeting of Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 12 June 2019 (87Kb) Members Attendance Name Councillor Bob Band Councillor Peter Barrett Councillor Stewart Donaldson Councillor Dave Doogan Councillor John Duff Councillor Angus Forbes Councillor Grant Laing Councillor Murray Lyle Councillor Roz McCall Provost Dennis Melloy Depute Provost Andrew Parrott Councillor Callum Purves Councillor Caroline Shiers Councillor Colin Stewart Name No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting. NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By Bailie Alasdair Bailey Bailie Rhona Brock Councillor Sheila McCole Councillor Richard Watters NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting. Declarations of Interests Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting. Other Attendees Also in attendance at the above meeting were: K Reid, Chief Executive; J Valentine, Depute Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer; C Irons, S Mackenzie, C Mackie, M Mitchell, L Potter, L Simpson, and S Walker (all Corporate and Democratic Services); S Devlin, G Boland and A Seggie (both Education and Children’s Services); B Renton, L Brady, F Crofts, M Dow, K Fraser, P Marshall, J McCrone, E McLaughlin and G Stewart (all Housing and Environment) and J Smith, Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership.