Perth and Kinross Council

Committee Details
The Council formulates strategic policy objectives and priorities; considers any matter requiring co-ordination between Committees or involving determination of differences between Committees; approves the annual budget of (a) revenue expenditure and (b) capital expenditure; approves any matter involving the incurring of expenditure not provided for in the annual budget of the Council, other than the specific delegation to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee; fixes and levies Council Tax; adopts, alters or revokes Standing Orders, the Scheme of Administration and Bye-Laws as well as Structure Plan and Local Plans; proposes the promotion of, or opposition to, parliamentary powers; considers the certified version of the Council's accounts and the External Auditor's report; determines applications for planning permission in respect of all major developments which are in the opinion of the Director (Environment) significantly contrary to the development plan; considers applications for planning permission in respect of projects designated as national developments in the National Planning Framework for Scotland; and makes arrangements in accordance with the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management and the Council's Financial Regulations for the borrowing of monies requires by the Council and the investment of any surplus funds accrued by the Council and to make arrangements for the administration of the Council's Loans Fund to include consideration of Annual Treasury Strategy and policies, the mid-year report and annual report on Treasury Management.
03 May 2012 - onwards
  • Meetings
  • Members
  • Other Information


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Committee Membership Filters
PartyNameRoleMembership Dates
Page 1 of 4, Displaying items 1 to 10 of 40 members/vacancies that match search criteria
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Bailie Chris Ahern Member 06/05/2022 - current
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Councillor Keith Allan Member 06/05/2022 - current
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Councillor Hugh Anderson Member 06/05/2022 - current
Scottish Labour Party
Bailie Alasdair Bailey Member 06/05/2022 - current
Scottish Liberal Democrats
Councillor Liz Barrett Member 06/05/2022 - current
Scottish Liberal Democrats
Councillor Peter Barrett Member 06/05/2022 - current
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Councillor Bob Brawn Member 06/05/2022 - current
Bailie Rhona Brock Member 06/05/2022 - current
Scottish National Party
Councillor Steven Carr Member 06/05/2022 - current
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Councillor Andy Chan Member 06/05/2022 - current
Committee Clerk
Scott Hendry
(01738) 475126

Other Information